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 MODULE (2013)

An HIV Prevention Modern Dance


Education Options in Dance Composition: The Brown Dance Project (The BDP) Translating the Pedagogy of Action (POA) Module on HIV Education to Dance is a book project that details The BDP History and a choreography development process. Rodney A. Brown (founder/director) of The Brown Dance Project involves words and Dance Composition for entertainment, including other considerations. Brown’s choreography, MODULE (2013), is a less than 30-minute dance translation of the oral HIV prevention methodology, the Pedagogy of Action Module on HIV Education. The imperative of this translation research seeks to develop dance material such that a viewer can distinguish some functional differences between Red and White Blood Cells, dissimilarities of HIV and AIDS, understanding of Stigma, 4 fact-based ways HIV can be transmitted and ways to prevent HIV infection â€” mediated with the Modern or Contemporary Dance genus. Can the dance teach? Can MODULE (2013) be an effective tool for learning in a more global delivery, to individuals who might be unaware of HIV education knowledge? We know dance can communicate and information can be shared through movement and words.

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